Monday, July 2, 2012

Harvest Monday 07/02/12

Well still not harvesting anything but looks like there may be hope in the future.

Volunteer potatoes.  I thought I got them all out when I turned the soil this spring but apparently not.  This was where I planted the 40 strawberry plants this spring that didn't make it.

Please visit our host, Daphne's Dandelions, and see what others have growing.


  1. I keep getting volunteer potatoes too, but I keep pulling any I see since I can't eat them anymore. Too bad though. I love them so much.

  2. Hope your volunteer potatoes produce well for you. I too had many volunteers but had to get rid of them since they were growing where I planted other things.

  3. lovely pictures looks like you will harvesting soon for sure!

  4. Your getting very close!!! It's nice to have some volunteer help every once in a while but I'm sorry the strawberries didn't make it.

  5. Well they do say nature abhors a vaccuumm and clearly the strawberries dying created one. I hope the potatoes do well and it looks like the rest of your produce is not far off.

  6. I believe it is impossible to really remove "all potatoes" from a bed. I never succeed in cleaning them all out and have volunteers coming up years later from an area once planted in potatoes. :D Your coming harvests look like they are growing along beautifully.

  7. Your tomatoes are looking good and so are those potatoes!

  8. Sorry to hear that your strawberries didn't make it, but at least the space isn't a complete loss :-) Your tomatoes are looking really good, will have some wonderful harvests very soon!

  9. I love when volunteer plants do well! You get to reap the rewards with zero work =)
