Monday, September 26, 2011

Harvest Monday 9/26/11

Well harvesting has slowed to nothing at this time but the gardens are still growing.  This week was spent taking care of the tomatoes I harvested a week ago due to the threat of frost.

 This tomato was a great surprise.  It is a Delicious which just happens to be an heirloom.  I had a freeze up in my greenhouse last spring and lost most of my tomato seedlings so had to go quickly and buy some seed locally.  Just looked at the days to maturity and planted.  To my delight I found out it is an heirloom so when I went to save the seed I was amazed at how solid the meat was and it produced quite well.  It will definitely be planted next year.

 Canned tomatoes and salsa
Spaghetti Sauce
We will be eating well this winter thanks to the garden.
Be sure to visit our host of Harvest Monday
and see what others are harvesting this past week. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Harvest Monday 09/19/11

Well things are starting to come to a close here for gardening.  We have had frost and freeze warning for the past 3 nights so had to pick down a lot of the garden.
  a bushel and a half of green and partially ripe tomatoes
 A few of the cherry tomatoes that I didn't plant.  I ended up with 4 plants of them.  The seed had to have been mixed in with my Delicious tomatoes when I bought the seed.
 One of the batches of tomato seed that has fermented and is drying.  These are Jersey Giant which are a paste tomato.
 The green cherry tomatoes
Canning for the week.  8 quarts of tomatoes and 6 pints of beets.
Totals for the week
Cucumbers 10 lbs 13 oz
Cauliflower 6
Tomatoes besides the 1 1/2 bushel of green ones 12 lbs 15 oz
Green peppers 5 lbs 3 oz.
Green Beans 3 lbs 4 oz.
Beets 7 lbs 2 oz

Don't forget to visit our host of Harvest Monday
and see what everyone else has harvested this past week 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Harvest Monday 9/5/11

Not much happening this week.  Green beans are done, tomatoes are just starting to turn, beets and carrots can wait and corn just didn't make it.
 Had to pick down some tomatoes as the plants were dieing and the tomatoes were dropping off.  Think there is about 1/2 bushel here.
Made 7 pints of bread and butter pickles that I didn't need but couldn't give the cucumber to anyone who wanted to make pickles.

Did pick the last of the green beans and pull the plants.
Totals for the week
1/2 bushel of tomatoes
2 lbs 8 oz green beans
2 lbs zucchini
14 oz cabbage
4 lbs 6 oz cucumber
4 small sick ears of corn
Don't forget to visit our host for Monday Harvest
and see what other gardeners harvested this week.