Monday, November 21, 2011

Harvest Monday 11/21/11

Not much to harvest this week.  The outside garden is definitely done although haven't been out to check the brussels sprout this week but have a feeling they are ready for the compost pile.  Did pick enough fresh basil from the Aero Garden to make a garlic/basil meat sauce over shells one night for dinner.

Don't forget to visit our Host
And see what everyone else is harvesting this past week. 


  1. Oh, I just love brussels sprouts! I may have to try growing them one year - I haven't been brave enough to see if they would grow for me.

  2. I harvested ZERO this week. Partially because there's not much to harvest and partially because we have so many green in the fridge it just doesn't seem worth it. I have my fingers crossed for next week though...

  3. No harvest post for me this week either.

  4. Aaah an aero garden - on my wish list.

  5. Holley, I think this will be the last year for Brussels Sprouts but I say that every year. I have been told of one other technique to get the sprouts to go so am sure I will try again.

    Bee Girl my harvest will be zero from now until probably July except for my Aero Garden

    Marcia, this post will be empty for me from now on.

    Shaheen, I do love my Aero Garden in the winter for herbs. I only have basil and parsley in it but can't keep up with the basil. Yesterday I did plant a window box with chive, garlic chive, rosemary and parsley that I had started the plants from seed earlier. I am going to try them in the house this year. Time will tell.

  6. That sounds delicious. What's an aero garden? I've never heard of it.

  7. Thanks Jody it is a nice alternative to sauce and meatballs.

    An Aero Garden is a hydroponic garden that you grow with just water and nutrients. It has a water circulater and its own grow lights. It is a convenient way to grow herbs during the winter. They now have them that you can even grow tomatoes, peppers etc. Check out their website at
