Tuesday, July 12, 2011

There is hope for the vegetable garden

Things are finally starting to look up in the vegetable garden.

 Tomatoes on the Burpee Bush Early Big Boy tomatoes in pots.
 The Potato box.  They are starting to blossom
 Ace Green Peppers and Egg Plant
 Cucumbers there are spacesavers and straight eights but have no idea which is which
 Provider Green beans
 Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts
 Tomatoes 3 Jersey Giants back left but hard to see and the rest are Delicious
 Corn with a few volunteer potatoes.  There is also Butternut Squash in there somewhere
 More tomatoes 2 rows on left are the same Early Big Boy the others are a large Italian Paste tomato that the seed was given to me.  It has been handed down in the family and friends for years
Peppers and weed.  Left Hungarian Wax, Center Jalapeno and right Revolution Green Bell Pepper
Left Burbank, Right more Burpee early Big Boy and middle is a bit of both.


  1. Wow, congrats!!! Things are definitely starting to grow!!

  2. It's amazing how fast things catch up. It's got to be your longer daylight. Won't be long before you're innudated with tomatoes.

  3. I'm glad the summer crops are coming along. Zone 4 isn't easy.
